A Peski Book Review

R.A. Spratt, an Australian author, recently released her third series, The Peski Kids. Spratt of Nanny Piggins and Friday Barnes fame does an awesome job capturing her readers’ attention immediately in the first book of the series, The Peski Kids: The Mystery of the Squashed Cockroach. Spratt starts out at a lightning pace rivaling a James bond movie (for the younger crowd, of course). Her three young protagonists are quirky and interesting, gathering the readers’ interest. The book moves at a quick pace with mystery, odd characters and bizarre circumstances that leave the reader wondering just what on earth is happening. You truly question, along with the main characters, if they have entered a crazy twilight zone universe.

The book has a few instances of dramatic peril, some withering tween/teen angsty dialogue, but Spratt always keeps it funny with a light, endearing air.
I highly recommend it to young readers from 8 years old and up. There is no inappropriate language. Some scenes are dramatic but not intense.

R.A. Spratt is a talented writer! I’m looking forward to reviewing the second book in the series, The Peski Kids: Bear In The Woods.

For readers in the U.S.,  I recommend getting this latest series from the international online bookstore Book Depository (offering free delivery worldwide) at http://www.bookdepository.com. Thanks to the extraordinarily slow publishing process in the U.S., this series isn’t available for purchase through the normal vendors most people use.

Learn more about R.A. Spratt at http://www.raspratt.com.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Is The Best

I’m a Trekkie. I love a good story, and Star Trek delivers. Well, let’s be honest, Star Trek: The Next Generation delivers.

I just started watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9 and uuughhh! What?!? The acting is terrible. I’m only about half way through the first season. I seriously can not believe this show has 7 seasons. Yikes!!! Someone please tell me it gets better. I realize it can take a little while for a show to find its groove, and I am so hoping this is the case here. I have to admit I’m mostly watching it for the one-off cameo appearances from Star Trek: TNG at the moment.

So many things attract me to Star Trek: TNG–good stories, good acting, a timeless thirst for adventure, delving headlong into the heart of the human spirit. Gene Roddenberry, the directors, the producers, the people who made this show what it is, did a great job crafting the universe.

For the most part, when an episode is finished I feel like the crew has accomplished something good and the universe is better off for their efforts. I know. It sounds super lofty and a bit over the top, but dang it, I want a little cheesy happiness. Yes, if you haven’t guessed I’m also a Jane Austin fan. I just like a happy ending where everything turns out alright. It is who I am.

The characters are so rich in personality and the acting is just superb. I know people will disagree with the fact that TNG is the best of the Star Trek universe. I’ve had enough conversations with other Trekkies to know that a lot of people really dig the whole Star Trek universe and honestly, good for them. I wish I could. I am trying to appreciate the other shows, but they just fall short for me, which is disappointing, because I would really so love to binge watch another Star Trek show.

I was able to get into Star Trek: Voyager. I really enjoyed some of the characters, namely Captain Janeway, Chakotay, and Seven of Nine.
For as big a fan as I am, I never spent much time trying to figure out who was behind the scenes where much of the hard work happens. Sorry I can’t speak more intelligently to the inner workings.

What I can speak to is an appreciation for the writing. I’ve never tried my hand at script writing. I can barley get through writing a children’s book for my kids. I have one in the works, but my illustrator–cough, cough, exceptionally talented husband who happens to be an artist … cough, cough–has been busy working other projects.

As most of you know, Patrick Stewart just announced Capt. Jean Luc Picard is returning to television, or rather “All Access” TV. I was seriously put off by Star Trek: Discovery’s roll out through All Access, but I’m not about to kid anyone. I will absolutely pay to watch Capt. Picard return.

Anyone else excited about this latest development in the world of Star Trek: TNG?

Service Dogs and Fundraising

I never thought I’d be fundraising for an autism service dog. Adopting a shelter dog, maybe breeding purebreds one day.

That was until we heard the doctor tell us about two years ago, right before our daughter’s third birthday, that our Evie had autism. We knew things were different with Evie shortly after her first birthday. She went from an interactive, bubbly, giggly, attention-seeking little girl to a quiet, non-expressive, recluse over the course of a few weeks.

At first, I thought she caught a bug. It was winter and all kinds of bugs go around during winter time. I remember her doing strange things. Pushing her head into the ground in a way that made me think she was in pain. Looking straight through me, as though I wasn’t in the room. She stopped talking. At 12 months old she was saying things like, “Give baby bottle.” She was very impressive developmentally, really. She met all her milestones on time or early. “It has to be a bug. She must not feel well.” Oh, the excuses I made.

I’d see glimpses of the “old” Evie, and I’d think, “No, she’s fine. We’ve been through a lot of change — a big move, a new baby.” I thought maybe it was me. Maybe I wasn’t giving her enough attention. I had a three-year old, a one-year old and a newborn and absolutely no family or friends around to offer a break.

As time marched on, I knew something was different. I did what I do best. Research. I scoured Google. I hit upon autism. I didn’t have a clue what autism was. So I did more research. I remember reading the medical journals online. Catastrophic. That was how it was described. A catastrophic neurological disorder. I thought I was going to throw up. I stared at the screen for a long time, shaking. I grieved, thinking my sweet little Evie had been taken from me by this horrible catastrophic neurological disorder. I cried and cried and cried for months. Not the sniffly, silent crying. I mean the sobbing-until-I-could-hardly-breathe kind of crying.

I made the appointment with her pediatrician. He told me there was absolutely no way she was autistic. Developmentally she met all her milestones well within in the normal range. I wanted to believe he was right. I left trying to tell myself I was worrying for nothing. But things just did not seem … typical. I went back to the pediatrician. He declared again that I was overreacting to normal toddler behavior. I wouldn’t leave. I told him I wasn’t leaving until he gave me a referral to a developmental pediatrician. I remember how angry he was. How he slammed the door as he walked out and came back glaring and handing me a referral. I remember how my heart pounded and my hands shook as I took the piece of paper.

We waited months for the appointments. We drove hours to endure emotionally-exhausting evaluations. Then, a few days before our daughter’s third birthday, we sat in a little white room while the developmental pediatrician told us, “Evie is autistic.”

Funnily enough, my world did not come crashing down. I already knew. If she had told us anything different, I would have known she was wrong and sought out another doctor somewhere else. I’m thankful to that doctor. She told us that there is no way to know Evie’s prognosis. Good, bad, indifferent. She told us about all the different therapies out there. She told us to try what made sense to us and stick with what helped Evie most.

Looking on, two years wiser, I see Evie. I see how sweet and loving she is. I giggle with her when she thinks one of the lines from Super Why is the funniest thing ever. I love her bear hugs. I love that she sees everything in an instant. I marvel at how she can focus at the minute detail of a lady bug crawling on a flower petal. I wonder what she thinks about when she gazes at the sky. I sigh and half-chuckle when I remember back to a time that I thought her autistic-ness was a catastrophic death sentence. That mourning took a toll on me. And, in my opinion, was completely unnecessary. Evie is amazing. Exactly how she is. Her autism is a part of her. She has a memory unparalleled to anyone I have ever met. It makes her different, not less. She has such sweetness to her. She is so loving and kind. I love seeing her eyes light up when one of her siblings tries to tickle her. I am overjoyed to see her look at her siblings when one tries to get her attention and show her something neat. I have met the most amazing people because of Evie’s diagnosis. People who have devoted their lives to helping those with neurological differences. And, in some cases, to my shame, people I would have been afraid to reach out to before autism entered my life. Evie has added such richness to our lives.

So what does any of this have to do with fundraising for an autism service dog?

I see how much growth Evie has undergone in the last two years. We’ve tried many different therapies — some I regret trying, some I love. What it boils down to, for me, for Evie, for our family, is that autism is a neurological difference. Evie’s sensory system experiences the world differently than I do. Where I have a reasonably strong sense of where my body is in the space around me, that might not always be so certain for Evie. Where I understand the concept of danger, Evie does not. Where my sensory system is able to regulate on its own, Evie may need deep pressure to calm her or wake her system up.

A service dog, specially trained, could assist Evie in so many of these struggles. And, as her mom, I’m hoping the dog also serves as a bridge for Evie to meet others. I’m hoping that folks stop and approach her and say, “Hey, I like your dog.” I hope these interactions will build upon each other and one day Evie will be able to say, “Hey, thanks.”

I see the challenges Evie has to face. A world not ready for neurological diversity. A society that doesn’t understand how greatly autism’s neurology affects the sensory system. A culture that can be afraid to approach those who appear so very different, but in reality crave the same things all human beings want — love, acceptance, community, belonging. It is my hope that through it all — the good and the bad — Evie has a service dog by her side to assist her in the many things the neurotypical world takes for granted and to be with her through daily challenges we face whether neurotypical or not.

I write this simply as a recollection. If you are reading it, I appreciate that you took the time. If you feel so inclined, please donate. We greatly appreciate every single cent we have received in our effort to fundraise for a dog for Evie.




Returning to Work?

I’ve recently been toying with the idea of working again. Don’t get me wrong. Raising four children under six is no walk in the park (although we do frequently try that … Walking in the park that is). 

With my oldest three heading to school this fall, I plan on having significantly more time on my hands. Plus I really miss my old job! I loved the creative freedom I had creating marketing campaigns, being the managing editor of a newsletter that was published worldwide and covering, writing and editing internal company news.

The reality I’m facing is that I’ve been out of the “workforce” for five years … at least on paper. When you’re applying for work what’s on paper matters. 

So what’s a mom to do? I’m looking at going back to school to get my masters, maybe even work on a Ph.D. Maybe do some writing workshops. Work for an ad agency here and there. 

Adventures in Soy-free Eating

Since two of my children were diagnosed with a soy allergy, we have begun a soy-free food odyssey. Nearly every single product in our home has soy in it. Check out the food labels for yourself. In addition to the listed soy ingredients, the food industry is able to legally not list soy if it is in “highly-refined soybean oil” or soy lecithin form. The argument is that in the refinement process, the oil is striped of the proteins that cause an allergic reaction. Tell that to the many people that still have a reaction after consuming these ingredients.

I’ve been contacting various food companies to see if their products are truly soy-free. Here is a letter to Horizon. The ingredient label does state: May contain peanuts and soy. However, I’ve always felt it’s best to see just how likely the “maybe” label is. I’ll let you know what I hear.


We have a soy allergy in our family. We’ve noticed on the packaging of the Snack Crackers (Cheddar) that natural flavor is listed, as well as organic annatto. Do either of these contain soy (oil, lecithin, etc.)? Although I understand that the food industry is not required by law to list a product as containing soy if it is in the oil or lecithin form, my son still has a reaction despite the high-refinement process.

Also, if your other products are truly soy-free in all forms, could you  point me toward a list of them? If they do contain soy in some form, is there someone I could contact to petition that Horizon start using other affordable products in substitution for soy? As I become more educated about soy in many products, I am also learning that there are many, many other people looking for truly soy-free options.

Many thanks!

Writer’s Workshops

I’ve been doing some research on online writer’s workshops. Right now I’m leaning toward Gotham Writer’s Workshop’s Fiction Writing Level 1 course. It’s pricey though! I like that you work with a coach (teacher), fellow students, it’s spread over 10-weeks, and is somewhat directed.

I’ve never written fiction before (that I plan to publish). I need help in plot/structure and character development. I feel like a little bit of direction will go a long way in my case.

For all you folks out there reading this post, do you have experience with Gotham workshops? Thoughts/opinions?

And now for something completely different …

0, Groton, MA 01450

How’s this for an idea. Buy a great big New England farm–Hillbrook Orchard. Raise organic-fed, happy chickens, cows, sheep, pigs, horses, etc. Grow completely organic fruits and veggies in a sustainable, green manner. Sell the fruits, veggies, eggs, fresh milk, homemade butter, and fresh, non-processed chicken and pork at our local farm stand. Operate a community-supported agriculture delivery service, much like one run by Fulton Farms.

Here’s the twist. This farm would employ people with developmental disabilities, with a focus on employing individuals dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorder (but not to the exclusion of other disabilities). During non-work hours, folks from the local community are invited to hang out at the farm, see the operation, pet the animals, and perhaps befriend one of the employees. I’ve seen a variation of this concept work quite nicely at Easton Farm Park in Suffolk, England.

Now to find the start-up capital!

Yay! Books!

My wonderful husband indulged me last night to an evening of research for my new book. We scoured the local book store and found Orson Scott Card’s ‘Elements of Fiction Writing’. Looks like it’ll be helpful, especially with character development. I’ve also found some helpful worksheet exercises aimed at fleshing out vibrant, believable characters. I also found a book by James Scott Bell about plot and structure.

Now I just need to actually start writing!!!